Bobby Bo's Fundraiser
Help me make a difference by supporting SKS research!
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
Currently SKS patients and their families face overwhelming day to day challenges as the overactive MTOR gene wreaks havoc on the body, including disrupting sleep and causing seizures. Imagine living with an unpredictable colicky newborn for years. Or feeling jetlagged every day. This is what life is like for SKS patients and their caregivers. The seizures and lack of sleep have negative impacts on cognition, health, and overall quality of life for people living with SKS.
Smith-Kingsmore Syndrome Foundation is working to change all of this.
A former leader of mine, mentor, and now friend has a son that lives with SKS. This man's name is Eric and his son is Ezra or as he likes to call him, Easy-E. He is a combat veteran who's primary fight is getting the help needed for those with SKS. Everyday Eric wakes up with one thing in mind; working hard to bring awareness to what SKS is through physical and mental challenges and discipline. The month of August is SKS awareness month and Eric needs our help. He is not looking for fame, fortune, or applause - only a cure. A cure that would improve quality of life and allow his son and many other children like Easy-E enjoy life the same way others do. Please help us reach this goal by donating to this cause.
Your contribution today will help the Smith-Kingsmore Syndrome Foundation drive science further towards treatments and a cure. I’m fundraising for the Sunniest Day of Hope Campaign so that SKSF can assist each patient and their family with sleep, seizures and many other debilitating life factors by supporting research that will lead to targeted treatments.
Your donation to the Smith-Kingsmore Syndrome Foundation is fully tax deductible and not only brings help toward a disease but provides overall support to this worldwide community.